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Breaking Fast

Breaking Fast

VývojářiTale Studios
VydavatelTale Studios
Typ hrySamostatná hra
LicencePlacená hra - porovnat ceny eshopů
Datum vydáníČervenec, 2016
Prodaných kusůpřes 3 281 na Steam
Doba hraníprůměrně 3,5h (nejčastěji 4h)
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Popis PC hry Breaking Fast
The food has rebelled… and it sure is furious!Breaking Fast is a frantic race between breakfast foods in which there are no rules and the only goal is to win, and if possible, humiliate and ravage your adversaries. But wait—let’s stop for a second and talk seriously: too much play can ruin friendships. Seriously. Don’t buy this game if you want to keep your friends. You still want to continue reading? Don’t say we didn’t warn you! Breaking Fast pulls together the best aspects of classic multiplayer games like Mario Kart and Super Smash Brawl and joins them into a unique gaming experience that is both satisfying and thrilling. With each race, you gain experience points and unlock new foods, each one more surprising and nourishing than the last, not to mention exciting new scenarios and tournaments.And if playing in local multiplayer with up to 3 friends isn’t enough, you can also play online with up to 7 unknown foods over the Internet. Or even better: why not mix it up and crush both your friend sitting on your couch and an unknown player from the Internet, all at the same time? In Breaking Fast, there are no limits: a good breakfast should be shared with as many people as possible! Clearly, if you like both breakfast and competitive multiplayer games like Mario Kart (but you don’t have a Switch), look no further because this is your game: Breaking Fast, the breakfast racing game.Local multiplayer up to 4 players and online mode for up to 8 players. And even better: play with your friends or family against several strangers ... (Zobrazit celý text)

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Screen ze hry Breaking Fast

Screen ze hry Breaking Fast

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<a href="https://www.cdh.cz/pc/Breaking-Fast-43719/" title="Hodnocení hry Breaking Fast"><img src="https://www.cdh.cz/api.php?hra=Breaking+Fast&amp;platforma=pc" alt="Breaking Fast" width="160" height="31"></a>

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