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Katalog her - závodní - hry na KONZOLE

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Vše

Název hry Platforma Hodnocení RokŘazení vzestupně Výrobce
Jockey Grand Prix NeoGeo - 2014 SNK
Stakes Winner 2 NeoGeo - 1996
Neo Drift Out NeoGeo - 1996
Over Top NeoGeo - 1996
BC Racers 3DO - 1995 Core Design
Jurassic Park Interactive 3DO - 1994 Studio 3DO
The Need for Speed 3DO - 1994
Road Rash 3DO - 1994
Quarantine 3DO - 1994 Imagexcel
Off-World Interceptor 3DO - 1994 Crystal Dynamics
MegaRace 3DO - 1994
Crash ´n Burn 3DO 60% 1993 Crystal Dynamics
RoboCop 3 Commodore 64 - 1992 Probe
Chase H.Q. TurboGrafx 16 - 1992
Thrash Rally NeoGeo - 1991
Total Recall Commodore 64 - 1991 Ocean
Victory Run TurboGrafx 16 - 1991
Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge Commodore 64 - 1990 Magnetic Fields
F1 CIRCUS TurboGrafx 16 - 1990 Make
Vendetta Commodore 64 - 1990 System 3
Cisco Heat Commodore 64 - 1990
Chase H.Q. Commodore 64 - 1989 Taito
Bari Bari Densetsu TurboGrafx 16 - 1989 Taito
Batman: The Movie Commodore 64 - 1989
Road Runner Commodore 64 - 1989 Atari
Turbo Outrun Commodore 64 - 1989 Sega
Moto Roader TurboGrafx 16 - 1989
Stadium Mud Buggies Intellivision - 1989 Realtime Associates
Final Lap Twin TurboGrafx 16 - 1989 Namco
Crazy Cars II Commodore 64 - 1988 Titus
Grand Prix Circuit Commodore 64 - 1988 Distinctive Software, Inc.
Power Drift Commodore 64 - 1988 Sega
Crazy Cars Commodore 64 - 1988
Techno Cop Commodore 64 - 1988 Gray Matter
Pole Position II Commodore 64 - 1988 Namco
Super Hang-On Commodore 64 - 1987 Sega
Out Run Commodore 64 - 1987 U.S. Gold
Pole Position Intellivision - 1987 Namco
Alleykat Commodore 64 - 1986 Graftgold
Buggy Boy Commodore 64 - 1986 Tatsumi
Enduro Racer Commodore 64 - 1986 Sega
Super Cycle Commodore 64 - 1986 Epyx
Turbo Esprit Commodore 64 - 1986
Road Blasters Commodore 64 - 1986 Atari
Kikstart Commodore 64 60% 1985
The Dukes of Hazzard Colecovision - 1984 Coleco
Ballblazer Commodore 64 - 1984 Lucasfilm Games
Up´n Down Commodore 64 80% 1984 Sega
Paperboy Commodore 64 - 1984
Pitstop Colecovision - 1983 Epyx, Inc.
Pitstop Commodore 64 - 1983 Epyx
Turbo Intellivision - 1983 Sega
Motocross Intellivision - 1982
3D Deathchase Sinclair ZX Spectrum - 1982 Micromega
Bump ´n´ Jump Colecovision - 1982
Pole Position Commodore 64 - 1982 Namco
Turbo Colecovision - 1982 Sega
Triple Action Intellivision - 1981 APh Technological Consulting
Armor Battle Intellivision - 1979 APh Technological Consulting
Auto Racing Intellivision - 1979 APh Technological Consulting
MOTO ROADER II TurboGrafx 16 - - Masaya
Steamroller Colecovision - - Cheshire Engineering
Wheelie Sinclair ZX Spectrum - - Microsphere
Pitstop II Commodore 64 - - Epyx
Destructor Colecovision - - Coleco
Motocross Racer Colecovision - - Xonox

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