
CDH.cz - hry na PC, PS, XBOX - Česká databáze her

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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Vše

Název hry Platforma Hodnocení RokŘazení vzestupně Výrobce
Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier PS4 - 2017
Painkiller: Hell and Damnation PS3 85% 2013
Pinball Arcade PS3 - 2012
Pac-Man Championship Edition PSP - 2010
Pirates Of The Caribbean - Dead Man´s Chest PSP - 2010
Pinball Heroes PSP - 2009 Sony
Pursuit Force Extreme Justice PSP 50% CZ 2008 BigBig Studios Ltd.
Pariah PS2 - 2005 Digital Extremes
Project Minerva Professional PS2 - 2005 Flat-Out
Power Rangers: DinoThunder PS2 - 2004
Primopuel PS2 - 2003 Indi Software
Poinie´s Poin PS2 - 2002 SCEI
Peter Pan in Disney´s Return to Never Land PSX - 2002
Power Rangers time force PSX 50% 2001
Panzer Elite PS2 - 1999 ZootFly
Pirate, The PS2 - -
Prince Of Persia - Rival Swords PSP - -
Project B working code name PS2 - -
Project B working codename PS3 - -
Permanent Expert IV PS2 - - Konami
Project Psychic PS3 - -
Project Strike Team PS3 - -
Pterosaur PS2 - - Atomic Planet
Prince Of Persia - Revelations PSP 100% -
Primopuel (game & microphone) PS2 - -
Peter Jackson´s King Kong PS2 74% -
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue PSX - -
Picassio PS2 - - Promethean Designs
Pocky & Rocky 2 PS2 - -
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World´s End PS2 72% -
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World´s End PS3 - -
PictureHouse Software Project PS2 - - SCEE
People Can Fly Project PS3 - -

Zobrazuji 0 - 33 z 33 her


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Ano, PlayStation 5

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Ano, Xbox Series X

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Ano, Nintendo Switch

9 %

Ne, vystačím si s PC

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Ne, hraji na mobilu

23 %

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